Sunday, February 19, 2006

something is searching

You know of all the cities in the U.S. I have been in, New Orleans was always the one I liked. The one I thought, if I could live anywhere, that would be it. Well, except for the weather. The weather in N.O. always really sucked big time. But there was so much good about New Orleans it made up for that and hell, that is what air conditioning was invented for.

And I think N.O. was that way for a lot of people. A lot of places in the U.S. suck, and people have to be in those places, but, there is always N.O. If it all got to be too much I could always have gone off to N.O. and drawn chalk figures on sidewalks or sold po boys or something.

Now that is gone. And in the part of me that sees big patterns in things and machiavelian movements that are bigger than people, you know, that does not always look accidental. It looks like the places that are safe havens are being slowly eradicated, while out there, something is looking, and closing down avenues of escape.

I know that is paranoid as hell. But sometimes it feels like a sentience is at work and not in a good way, closing off avenues of freedom and pinpointing every last person on the planet with more numbers and more ways of finding people and keeping track and I do not like it much.

Your Something is Searching Adams Girl

Friday, February 17, 2006

haggis be damned

So Pooks sent me this link, where you vote for the sexiest Scot and are entered to win a free trip to Scotland. Ooh la la, cute guys in kilts and a free trip to Scotland. It does not get much better than that. Natch my browsers immediately decided they did not like the Flash in the hot Scot page and would not let me see any pictures so I had to do some evil tech stuff to make that all work and then I got fun video clips and voted for a Scot and I am entered. I tell Pooks she has to go with if I win. I do not know what her husband will think about that but hey she got me into this. Me I think she should enter too and then if she wins she can take me but Sam is definitely not going for that. Sheesh. Husbands can be so unreasonable.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

bring on the fries

So Sunday is my birthday. I do the Max thing. I tell people on Thursday that Sunday is the big night and where I will be.

My birthday celebrations are generally an eclectic gathering of who can get free or is free with three days notice. The invites always say rsvp. People never rsvp. My birthdays are mystery nights. The guests are the presents. Surprises. I like them that way.

I get email from one friend he will be there if he survives the Long Beach chili cheese fries eating competition. I wonder if this is wise. I am suddenly glad the party is outside on a roof.

The Long Beach chili cheese fries eating competition features $10,000 in prizes. $4,000 goes to the winner.

I say, Jeez, that is better than a lot of screenwriting competitions.

My friend says, Yes, sadly, chili cheese fries are better than most scripts.

He has a point.

It still seems wrong you can get a bigger prize for eating chili cheese fries -- and have better odds of winning -- than you can winning most screenplay competitions.

Your Birthday Adams Girl

Monday, February 06, 2006

cut cats and politics

Okay here is the cut cat. And I do mean cut. Look at this monster.

This is Twink and this totally cracks me up,

And here is the politics. Which is not as cut or cute.

Move On Org has just emailed me the President has broken the law. I guess he has overstepped the powers of the Patriot Act and is not just wire tapping "suspected terrorists," he is now wire tapping anyone he damn well wants to. Your plumber. Your hairdresser. Your daughter. The, um, Democratic Party?

Move On Org went to a good deal of trouble to explain to me why tapping general citizenry is illegal and bad. And why I should write my Senator and explain to my Senator, who I guess isn't up on law and government, just being a Senator and all, this is illegal and bad. Move On Org gave me addresses and everything to make it easier for me, a citizen, to explain the law to a Senator.

Here is the thing. This "President" has fixed two elections, threatened to take over presidential headquarters by force during an election investigation, has forged security documents, has outed a secret service operative working in the line of duty, [that is treason, by the way], has lied to Congress, has lied to the Senate, has lied to the American people, has started a war with a foreign nation bent solely on the purpose of destablizing a sovereign economy and nation -- based on forged information and documents created by his staff for the sole purpose of personal profit, has supported torture and chemical warfare and broken every agreement signed to by this country and others of the Geneva Convention, has attempted to place persons on his personal payroll on the Supreme Court, and when that did not work has pushed people through who might be on his payroll and damn sure are not popular choices with either political party, has paid alleged "news reporters" to proliferate positive propoganda about his agenda and smear opposition, has pushed through protocol that calls for mandatory drugging of school children, actually got into office in Texas by planting phony bugs in his office and claiming the opposition did it, eventually sending that opposition to jail to rot, ignored security breifings of a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, used that, the most sympathetic event in U.S. History, to alienate every other nation on the planet, alienated my country and separated it from the United Nations, and left citizens of New Orleans to die in a flood rather than pulling people out of there using the National Guard, instead orderring the National Guard and the military troops sent there to shoot anyone looking for food and just toss the bodies who would know different with so many dead bodies --


I am supposed to write my Senator because this "President" is listening in on private citizens' sexy phone calls.

I can see why Move On is working this angle. Spying on the Democratic Party is what got Nixon outed. But no one is brave enough to even name this as political spying. No one is even mentioning that. And, with the amazing numbers of clearly breaking the law items already on this "President's" claim to fame?

I just think it is ridiculous I keep getting email that says, "Is the President breaking the law."

Yes. The "President" has broken every law known to man, God, and dog.

Stop asking me. And stop telling me to beg Congress or the Senate to do something about it. Clearly, they will not, can not, or choose not. Or this guy who is the foremost criminal of the world at the moment would not be in office leading us all to Hell.

*Editorial note: This is the first blog I have ever had trouble posting. It keeps coming back, Try again in 10 minutes. Wow, I wonder if the content is flagged. Cough cough cough.