Sunday, November 26, 2006


This is Rupert. He is a friend's dog. This photo is just too great.

rupert hates bush

To me that photo of Rupert is so damn cute he had to make a second appearance on .

I am such a sucker for Rupert dogs.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Today I give thanks for food and shelter. I have done without both in my lifetime. And you see a lot of people doing without both in Hollywood. Especially on a day like today, a holiday when the streets go quiet, the people are gone – except for the people who have nowhere to go. They are still there. In alleys. In doorways. Quietly weathering the holiday alone, often on an empty stomach, on what is going to be a long, dark, cold night.

There but for the grace of God go I.

Thank you God.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

the seagull

Nine seagulls just showed up and did an aerial dance outside my window. Now they are doing fly bys in formation.

It used to be I had one seagull visitor regularly about this time of morning. He brought friends today.

It is funny to me to have seagulls in Downtown Hollywood.

Monday, November 13, 2006

she clicks, she scores

Cujo just slammed home second place on the Tetrizz Big Dog Board.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

876,000 points. That is the second highest score of all time. Not even Eponymous can knock that down.


tetrizz :::

Saturday, November 11, 2006

google this

So I was visiting Pooks' blog and she has this thing on her blog that says her blog is worth tens of thousands of dollars and there was this link you could hit that told you [according to whom and based on what I am not sure] how much your blog was worth and I hit it and it told me the Damn Blonde blog is worth $6,209.94.

Cool. Something to hock if this writing thing does not pan out. Then I thought, Hey, what does it have to say about Seemaxrun? You know, my beloved website that I built with my own little hands?

The blog evaluating estimator thingamajig told me Seemaxrun is worth zilch. Zero. Nada. Triple zeroes.


That is okay though. I asked it how much google is worth and it said zero for google too.

The blog evaluating estimator thingamajig: How much is your blog worth?

Friday, November 10, 2006

i hate the russian

I hate the Russian. Every day I have to kill one to three new accounts he creates on the Seemaxrun forum.



Day after day.

Week after week.

Month after month.

It is bone numbing. Exhausting. It goes on and on. He never stops. He is like the Terminator bunny of Russian attack spammers.

I just do not think one individual could be this freaking stupid he would keep going after months and months of having every single new membership created in the forum eliminated. Right? I mean, no one is that stupid right? It has to be something else. Something insidious. Something on purpose. Like mind torture? On purpose personally directed mind torture?

It is George Bush. He is pissed off about those dog and cat sites and now some peon secret service guy has one job: Impersonate a Russian and torture me. Right?

[Hey, George? Torture me to high heaven, your machines are still rigged and everyone knows it you cheese head.]

Blasted cheese headed rusky impersonating machine rigging torturing cheaters....

Your Tortured by Fake Ruskies Adams Girl

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

jury duty

Oh. My. God.

My agent is on jury duty.

Don't those bastards know my life ceases to exist when my agent is detained by jury duty?

How many poor writers are crippled right now because they snatched one agent off the street? Shouldn't that be against the law?

Let. My. Agent. Go.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I have finally discovered who is responsible for this drunken blogging frenzy. Faulkner. Yay!

Okay, not really, really it appears to be this guy [or girl?]:

But. Faulkner is my hero. King of the run on sentence which is maybe why I love him so we have that in common which works for me.

And, in honor of Faulkner, I am popping open a beer. Yay!


Wait. I have just been informed drunken blogging night goes on all night. There is still hope.


I just was told tonight is drunken blogging night. And I am not drunk or blogging.

And no one told me?

Okay, I am blogging, and checking the clock. It is midnight. I could still pull it off.

Oh who am I kidding? I just missed drunken blogging night.

This is such a travesty.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

all hallow's eve

Tonight I know, truly, I am getting older. This is the first Halloween it has not been a goal to dress up and go out. Instead, I am at the computer writing assignments for a class and cast lists for a film.

If I pull off the film there may be a costume party though. Hell with that, a costume ball.

Sirens scream all over Hollywood. And I think about people past, in my life, and what All Hallow’s Eve means, really means, and would I really be disturbed if any of them showed up?

Not the important ones. The ones that mattered.

I think there has been too much death in my life. Halloween is different now.

And no, you cannot share any of my Reese's. Get your own candy. Jeez.